Monday, July 25, 2011

Quick Weight Loss - 4 Things to Do When You Want to Cheat on Your Diet

Quick weight loss is something we all want but often get don't get because we get side tracked not far from the starting gate. Learning how to avoid weight loss pit falls can help keep you focused and motivated to make the changes necessary to for quick weight loss. Here are some tips that as a weight loss coach my clients have found very helpful of what to do when you feel tempted by the cookie jar or the passed cocktail franks.

Quick Weight Loss Tip #1:

Quick weight loss means you need to commit consistently to redirecting your thoughts: Your brain is a powerful tool that can either lead you to unhealthy and tempting food or away from it. It is also an often neglected tool. In many other areas counselors and doctors use brain exercises to your advantage in overcoming obstacles as well as disorders such as anxiety attacks, OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder] to name a couple. They have learned that cognitive behaviour [what we would call how we think] is highly effective in combating overeating or behaviors associated with obesity or being overweight. Learning to talk back to your thoughts when we have them can actually stop you from going for the cookie jar. It takes a little practice but you can see the effects in a short few weeks. You can see it take a firm hold in 12 weeks. 

Quick Weight Loss Tip #2:

Quick weight loss results from always being prepared. We all know by now you should always have a snack on you, in your purse, desk or wherever you spend time but honestly do you follow this rule? I can't tell you how many clients stock up once and then forget to restock or grab things that aren't really effective in the weight loss battle. Do yourself a favor and make this a top priority. If you buy one box of a healthy snack, stock up on 5 and put them in your freezer so you never run short. Travel with fruit that travels well. Make your own trail mix so you can omit those fattening ingredients that you don't need. Life is too hectic to let this easy fix take be omitted from your quick weight loss efforts.

Quick Weight Loss Tip #3:

Quick weight loss can be simple. We know that we should drink plenty of water but often we neglect this one key area because...well I really don't know why. I think it is because we don't know why we should drink water other than it keeps up fuller. Another helpful reason that may motivate you to move toward the bubbler is that water helps to metabolize fat. When we are dehydrated which is a fair percent of the population, our bodies have a difficult time metabolizing fat, which translates to burning fat. Isn't that the point of the diet, to get rid of fat?

Quick weight loss is hard enough without putting obstacles in our way to prevent us from achieving that best body. Take the steps your able to to make, this is surely one that you can do. If you get bored with plain water add some leon juice or squeeze some fresh juice of an orange into your glass. I was a a spa down in the Bahamas and they had a beautiful container of fresh water with the juice of fresh squeezed lime, orange and lemon. It was so refreshing and tasty. There are ways around boredom. Get creative and think outside of the box.

Quick Weight Loss Tip #4:

Change your all or nothing attitude. Yes, that is probably one we don't like to hear but it really helps. A lot. Weight loss coaching can really help give you a new perspective even when you have to e your own coach. Just like in a sport you don't start by knowing everything about the game. We practice. We go to practice. then we go home and practice some more. Then we play the game. We lose and win. We make friends. We learn and have some fun along the way. When we go into trying something new with old thinking patterns it's hard to make a go of it. We get dragged down before we really give it a chance. In a world where we want everything now we are sometimes impatient to see results and beat ourselves up for failing before we even gave it a chance to work. I find clients have expectations about losing weight without really knowing how our body works regarding losing weight. Would you play tennis without learning a little about the game before you try it? Do we put our kids in situations without directions and help? No, so why do you expect that you can treat weight loss the same way and be successful? Understanding how your body works and what the process is going to be like sets a certain expectation that use as a benchmark and when we don't hit it right away we tell ourselves we 'blew it' or we say 'it's not working' or some other excuse for why we aren't losing weight.

The reality is that we need to expect to have a learning curve, to give ourselves time to get used to something like a new habit, new foods or even getting used to being in a social setting and learning to say no to tempting foods. If we give ourselves this time then we don't get tangled up in our small mistakes we plan for them and learn from them and then prepare for them in the future. If we eat something we shouldn't then we can recognize it as an opportunity to make the right decision the next time. We learn from it and not use it as a reason to give up or beat up on ourselves. When you play tennis do you expect to hit the ball every time? No, especially not in the beginning, but more and more as you play. It's the same with dieting. Let yourself learn the game and then watch the weight come off.

Use these suggestions to set the stage with the proper tools and attitude to create your best self!

And now I would like to invite you to claim your free instant access to our "Weight Loss Acceleration Kit", and learn the 5 most effective steps to fast weight loss that lasts a lifetime. I bet they will surprise you. Visit to receive them and other gifts.

Patrice Ruggieri - Your Weight Loss Coach & The Weight Loss Coaching Network at Wellsense

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