Saturday, July 30, 2011

7 Reliable Quick Weight Loss Tips - Drop Unwanted Pounds, Keep Them Off, Enjoy a Slim Healthy Body

I am going to give you 7 quick weight loss tips that are reliable and effective. They will work for you. But there is a part you need to play in order to benefit from these quick weight loss tips. You simply have to put them to practice for them to work for you.

These are the quick weight loss tips...

Tip 1: Have a Long Term Mindset

These quick weight loss tips can help you drop unwanted weight quickly. Observations have, however, shown that many people, who don't see very fast results while carrying out their weight loss plan, tend to give up.

In order to, therefore, try to speedily lose weight a lot of them try to use supplements and pills that are not safe. They also try diets that are not healthy for them.

Certainly, we have many diets that can help you lose weight quickly. But how long can the result they give you last? If you follow the quick weight loss tips I will give you, your weight loss goals are just a short time away.

These diets actually complicate your metabolism and, at the end of the day, make you gain back all the weight you have lost, and you may even gain more weight than you earlier had.

It is therefore vital that your weight loss plan should be such that it will be healthy and sustained for a long time. So don't be too much in a hurry to shed all the unhealthful weight you accumulated after long periods of following wrong eating habits. Take your time, be focused and persistent and you will surely and quickly lose the pounds you don't need using these quick weight loss tips.

Tip 2: Decide on a Weight Loss Goal You Can Handle

It is surely not very easy to lose weight. You will face challenges as you go about trying to achieve your weight loss objectives. But I advise you to make up your mind to make necessary changes in the way you live your life. Also, be focused on the goal you have set for yourself and as I earlier said, be persistent. Don't give up in applying these quick weight loss tips.

If your weight loss goal is such that you believe you can handle, then the task of losing weight will be an exciting one for you. You will thus be willing and ready to do what you need to in order lose weight.

Tip 3: Expert Advice and Teachings are Very Important

You need to eat the right foods and correct food portions. You also need to carry out physical exercise regularly and correctly. In addition to these, you need someone to help you stay motivated and on course.

For you to achieve these things, as part of the quick weight loss tips I am giving you here, I suggest that you seek the services of a reliable and good Trainer in fitness.

Though good trainers aren't cheap, but it is a worthy decision to invest on something that would improve your health and make you look good and feel fine. It will also add other values to your life.

If you need to cut down on what it will cost you to hire a trainer many days a week, you could consider engaging him or her a couple times a month (probably once or twice).

Reliable and proven books (e-books included) on weight loss could serve as alternatives to hiring a fitness trainer.

You may purchase reliable and proven books including DVDs which can teach you how to lose weight. Extensively study reviews of these books and DVDs before you consider buying any of them.

Tip 4: Set a Timetable for Your Meals

This tip, out of all the quick weight loss tips I am giving you, is very important to carry out. Prepare a time table for eating, and use the timetable to plan your meals in advance. Setting a time table is very important because it will help you fire up your metabolism throughout the day.

One very good way to make sure your metabolism is good is by eating 4 to 6 small meals daily. Make sure you have about 2-3 hours between the meals. If you do so, you will not stay too long without eating something. Don't forget to do this because it is very essential to your losing weight quickly.

The meals you eat should be balanced and healthy. Plan them ahead of time. This will prevent you from failing to eat your meals or eating unhealthy foods that make you add undesired weight.

What meals to prepare?

Your meals should be a combination of healthy carbohydrates, healthy fat and protein. To achieve this, you need to form the habit of reading the labels on the foods you buy. This will help you choose foods that are healthy and such that will not add to your weight.

Tip 5: Plan Your Exercise Routine

This is equally as important as tip #4, of all the quick weight loss tips that I am giving you. Decide on what days you will exercise and the times you will get it done.

Also decide on the exercises you will engage in daily.

Tip 6: Balance Your Exercise Program

Balancing your exercise program should include exercises that are good for your heart and those that would help you lose inches and tone your muscles. Stretching exercises are also very crucial.

Tip 7: Exercise with a Partner

One of the most reliable quick weight loss tips is for you to exercise with a partner. You may also join a group that is made up of people who support each other to make sure they are faithful to their exercising their bodies.

Are their members of your family, friends or co-workers who want to also lose weight as you would like to? Work together and you will encourage each other and positively influence each other to quickly lose weight.

When you don't feel like exercising, your partner will encourage you to do so. If you hunger deeply to eat any food that is not healthy for you and which would be detrimental to your losing weight quickly, your partner can let you know that such action can destroy all the efforts you have put in to lose weight.

Putting into practice these 7 quick weight loss tips will go a long way to enable you to drop those unwanted pounds and keep you healthy and feeling good.

Roy C. Okonkwo is an Internet Marketer who writes articles on a variety of subjects. These include articles on Health and Fitness. Visit for detailed information on how you can quickly lose weight.

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