Thursday, August 4, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Tips - The Best Way to Lose Weight for a Lifetime

Losing weight needs to be something that is permanent. Yo-yo dieting can lead to health problems and poor self image. As difficult as it can be, no one wants to go through all the work to take off pounds and then have them come right back on again in three months. Finding sensible and proven changes to implement into your lifestyle is the best way to take off pound and keep them off.

You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight quickly. Quick weight loss should be taken in stride and needs to be a part of your daily routine. Quick weight loss tips should be incorporated into your lifestyle in a way that will stay with you the rest of your life. Jumping around from diet to diet and weight loss program to weight loss program can be detrimental to your health.

One of the easiest quick weight loss tips to include in your daily routine is water. Drinking more water is not only healthy it will help stimulate your body to lose more weight. Drinking more water is not a difficult thing to incorporate. Many women carry a large bag and are able to carry a water bottle around with them during the day, making this one of the quick weight loss tips a daily habit.

A quick weight loss tip if you have a hard time drinking water is to carry single drink mix packets to add to your water. There are many sugar free calorie free varieties that are available and they can easily replace a soda or a cup of coffee in your daily routine. Quick weight loss tips like this need to become habit.

These water quick weight loss tips are also helpful in the weight loss process because they can help you stay full and not eat so much. Drinking water can also help your body to burn off stored fat, and the kidneys are able to flush out excess fat with the added water in your diet. You can burn an additional 62 calories a day just by drinking icy cold water.

Another quick weight loss tip that can be implemented into your daily routine and become a part of your lifestyle is a constant eating habit. This sounds counterproductive, but it's not it's a great way to quick weight loss. If you eat five small healthy meals a day you will stay full longer and avoid caving into cravings and overeating due to hunger.

Implementing these small quick weight loss tips can impact your weight loss and push your body into a simple quick weight loss mode. These kinds of changes and maintaining them for life will ensure that you will no longer belong to the yo-yo diet club. Be sure you find the quick weight loss tips that will change your lifestyle for a healthier you.

Author Sam Filter writes on a variety of topics. To learn more about this topic Sam recommends you visit: Quick Weight Loss Secret []

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things You Should Know About Quick Weight Loss Diets

Many people see quick weight loss diets as a quick fix to how others perceive them or how they feel about themselves and few just because they want to lose a little weight. There are various different weight loss diets available for one to try, but they are not always the smartest move one can make. Before you do actually start a diet it is important that you discuss the matter with your doctor first.

Quick weight loss diets have always been around. They can be hard on your body, causing a drastic change in your diet and nourishment. It is not a safe idea to do a quick weight loss diet for anymore than seven days. No quick weight loss diet is made to be used for an extended amount of time.

Even if you feel like your body is doing great, after two weeks your body will stop responding to the weight loss diet. You will see some results, but these diets are not healthy for your body for long.

Once you have completed your quick weight loss diet it is important that you do not undertake too much exercise at this time. Yes you body feels better when on the diet but it will need to have time to adjust after it is stopped because there will be more changes taking place in it. If not then exercise could place further stress on your body that it does not need. Also you need to drink plenty of water to ensure that your body remains hydrated and this will help your body dealing with the hunger pangs that you will suffer after coming off of the diet.

As soon as you have reached your desired goals when using quick weight loss diets and then stop do not start eating as you have done previously. Rather work on eating meals that are healthy and well balanced instead.

This will help you to maintain the weight loss that you have achieved. Then slowly start to adjust your diet so that you are consuming the proper amount of calories recommended for your height and weight. Doing so will further help you to build much more healthy eating habits for the rest of your life and help to prevent you from using yo-yo dieting instead.

Quick weight loss diets are a great way to get you on the first rung of a proper weight loss diet. Plus with this kind of diet or any diet in fact to really see the best results it should be combined with some form of exercise (moderation is the key). Also remember to eat plenty of healthy food and ensure that your diet is well balanced if not this could actually lead to complications and your body will react. So then it will make it far more difficult to actually lose weight over any period of time.

So although you may be tempted to actually cut back on the amount of calories that you consume, quick weight loss diets are really to be used for a short period of time only.

Are you wanting to discover more about quick weight loss diets? If so then please visit Tips For Healthy Weight Loss where we provide helpful advice and information to help you reach your weight loss goals. Plus we give some very helpful weight loss tips.

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Quick Weight Loss Diets - Facts and Fallacies

Quick weight loss diets have been around forever, and seem ever-popular, but do they really work? Many of the quick "fad" diets can help for temporary weight loss, but usually it comes back eventually. It is normal for dieters to look for the Holy Grail of diets, one that can have you lose weight fast, then keep it off.

Fad or Binge diets will always be with us, and for a few reasons one may be able to rationalize their use, for any of a number of reasons: Temporary weight loss to "get in to that dress or Tux for the one event" like a wedding or reunion, then it is OK to go back to looking normal. One of the problems of these quick loss and fad diets is many of them are plain unhealthy, and can put you at greater health risk than being overweight.

There are no miracles when it comes to weight loss, but you can take positive steps to losing weight that will help speed things along without resorting to one of these fad diets or just starving yourself. Here are some ways you can move forward and lose weight;

Eat The Right Foods To Speed Up Your Metabolism

If you've been off-and-on dieting over the years, your metabolism may be as much as 30% slower than normal. To get back to normal, you need to eat enough calories to meet your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). You can search for BMR Calculator online and get the numbers you need. Everyone is different. You'll need to enter your height, weight, age and sex to get a number. For example, a 60 year old male at 200 lbs. that is 5' 7" tall has a BMR of about 1750 calories, while a 20 year male the same size has a BMR over 2000.

The BMR is the number of calories you need to get though the day, given "normal" activities. If you have a physically demanding job or big exercise routine, you will need more, and if you sit at a desk all day, you will need less. When trying to get to your BMR, it's best to stick to the healthier foods like lean protein, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

You'll probably have an initial weight gain, but don't let that scare you off. First you need to get your body back to normal operating levels and repair itself. After you've been at your BMR for a couple of weeks to a month or so of eating the appropriate level of calories, your metabolism will speed up and the pounds will begin to fall away.

Once you've got your metabolism back up to speed, you can easily lose a pound a week with a balanced diet, or two pounds a week if you add an exercise program. This is safely sustainable and you won't be starving yourself any more.

Exercise to increase your weight loss.

You will rarely find exercise mentioned with quick weight loss and fad diet, primarily because exercise is work and they are trying to push your "easy" button. Most quick weight loss and fad diets dramatically reduce your caloric intake, which can lead to a quick initial weight loss, but it jacks your metabolism around and the weight will come back as soon as you eat normally again. Plus, most quick weight loss diets don't provide the same health benefits as a balanced diet and exercise.

With all of the various exercise routines out there, at least experts agree on one thing: The best exercise routines include a balance of cardio and strength training. Cardio helps exercise and strengthen the heart and circulatory system, while the strength training tends to build lean muscle mass. Everyone agrees that lean muscle mass is heavier than fat, so a physically fit person will look slim and trim compared to a fattie of the same weight and height. Regular exercise will also help you feel better, leading to a lot of other positive benefits. If you have a lot of stress in your life, you should also consider yoga for stretching and relaxation.

Once you are up to speed, if you get three to five hours a week of cardio exercise, and one or two hours a week of strength training, you will see significant changes in your body shape and fitness level.

The health benefits of exercise are well known, and include improved mood and better sleep, not to mention stronger, leaner body. Exercise also protects your heart and wards off metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. Quick weight loss diets can't touch any of these benefits.

Exercise doesn't need to be the kind of "dreary work out at the gym" program that many people tend to use. It can be found nearly everywhere. Gardening or home improvement projects, playing with the kids at the park, swimming, dancing, or participating in community sports are all ways of getting appropriate exercise without spending all of your time in the gym. I'm sure you can think of many others that not only provide good exercise, but are fun too!

Avoid Starvation Diets

The news and pulp magazines are full of reports of celebrities who drank nothing but [fill in your favorite fad food of the week here] to quickly slim down for a role. What we don't hear about is the aftermath: The rebound weight gain as soon as they ended their diet, and the increase in difficulty losing weight later due to messing up their metabolism.

Watch out for any quick weight loss plan that talks about "retaining water" as if it is a bad thing. Your body NEEDS water, and the sad fact is that most Americans are close to dehydration anyway due to imbalanced diets and other excesses. Most of us are so close that even as few as a couple of days without normal water intake can put us in the hospital. (I know this from personal experience, having collapsed from dehydration because my throat hurt so bad I avoided normal drinking and eating minimally for only a couple of days. That's one hospital stay I really won't be repeating.) Most of these fad and quick weight loss diets are extremely stressful to your body. They just aren't worth the health risk. At best, you'll end up tired, hungry, grouchy, dehydrated, and heavier than before. At worst, you could seriously damage your metabolism, making it impossible to lose weight later, even when you eat very few calories.

Set Reasonable Expectations

Don't set yourself up for failure. Choose a reasonable weight target for your body type and height. Trying to get your weight down to that of an anorexic looking boy-girl model just isn't reasonable unless you've got twigs for bones and don't mind a short, miserable life from all of the damage done to your body by the quick loss diets and their related issues.

In summary, the Fact is that Quick Loss Diets can work, but they are only temporary and many are plain dangerous to your continued well being. The Fallacy is that they can give you what you want, beyond a very brief instant while you are on their miserable routine.

Only a reasonable plan that includes maintaining a healthy weight by keeping your body healthy will get you where you should be. Feed your body a well balanced diet, move it often, stay hydrated and it will perform at its peak for you, for a long time to come.

Get a FREE report "45 Fantastic Ways to Burn Calories" when you subscribe to Rick Dayle's weight loss newsletter. It provides a series of emails with valuable content and resources on weight loss.
Sign up today at

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Diets For Quick Weight Loss - Which One is For You?

What are the best diets for quick weight loss? In this article I will be discussing a number of diet programs that have become popular with those looking to lose weight.

People diet for a whole host of reasons. Some want to lose weight to look better, others have been advised to lose weight for health reasons or because they want to perform at a higher level physically. No matter what your personal reasons for losing weight, if you want to maximize your weight loss you need to be choosing the correct type of diet.

Let us cover some of the diets for quick weight loss that will ensure you reach your goals in the fastest time possible. You will learn the general premise of each diet and it's pros and cons - it's time to find out which diets for quick weight loss are best for you!

1. Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet program designed using the calorie shifting method and has gained huge popularity with people who has tried a lot of diets for quick weight loss without results, the reason being - it works! This calorie shifting method basically involves changing the types of calories you eat each day so that your body's metabolism doesn't get used to any one routine.

To ensure you are eating the Fat Loss 4 Idiots way you need to enter your favorite foods into the online diet generator which will then compile an 11 day menu ensuring you gain all the benefits that the calorie shifting method has to offer. With Fat Loss 4 Idiots you eat 4 times per day until you are full which ensures your appetite is satisfied. This ambitious fat loss program promises weight loss of up to 9 pounds in 11 days and is definitely one of the best diets for quick weight loss.


You get to eat many of your favorite foods during the diet

Swift weight loss is virtually guaranteed

A clear and concise menu is generated for you containing all the information you need for successful weight loss

A cheap and easily implemented diet regime


Eating until you are satisfied at each meal can be difficult - you must take care not to over-indulge

This is basically a low-carb diet which can effect energy levels

Some of the meals are a little bland2. The South Beach Diet

The second of our diets for quick weight loss is the south beach diet. This diet was created by a leading US cardiologist rather by accident. He prescribed the diet to his patients in order to improve their condition but soon found that it resulted in a significant reduction in weight.

The south beach diet is fairly unique in that it is broken down into phases. The first phase lasts 2 weeks and is centered around eating very few carbohydrates, this 2 week period is designed to help resolve insulin resistance and often results in weight loss of as much as 13 lbs.

Phase two allows for some low glycemic carbs to be re-introduced; foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain bread. This phase lasts as long as it takes an individual to reach their target weight, 1-2lbs per week weight loss can be expected. The final phase is the lifestyle phase and should be followed forever. A wider range of food can be eaten during this phase.


Simple to follow

Low in saturated fat


Like with Fat Loss 4 Idiots there is no limit to portion size with the focus of eating till full - this can be difficult to judge

Seriously lacking in vitamins, minerals and fiber

Heavy emphasis of dairy products - for those unable to eat them there is a lack of options3. Precision Nutrition

The Precision Nutrition system has been touted by many as one of the ultimate diets for quick weight loss by numerous 'big name' organizations. It was designed by Dr. John M. Berardi, Ph.D. and his clients include a whole host of professional sports stars from the NFL, NBA and NHL. These athletes need the very best nutrition advice in order to perform at their peak and Precision Nutrition provides just that.

This program is more of a fat burning lifestyle than another of the diets for quick weight loss. It focuses on eating a wide range of foods balancing nutrients carefully to ensure maximum health and weight loss benefits. Carbs are limited to the fibrous variety except after exercise when more complex, starchy carbs are allowed.

Precision Nutrition comes as a collection of neatly packaged, tangible products including a gourmet recipe book, an individualization guide and a five minute meal guide amongst others. You are also given membership to the Precision Nutrition membership site which gives access to nutritional experts who can answer any personal questions you may have and other dieters using the program.


A well balanced, highly scientific approach to weight loss

Professional, attractive tangible products

Backed and used by professional organizations such as the US bobsleigh team

Delicious recipes which are easy to prepare


Expensive in comparison to other diets for quick weight loss

The system doesn't promote rapid weight loss and rather focuses on long-term, slow-burn weight loss for life

With all these diets for quick weight loss you need serious commitment if you want to successfully lose weight. I strongly suggest you check out all of these diets in order to discover which is the best for your body type - you can check out some intriguing reviews of these products by visiting Extreme Weight Loss.

Good luck with your dieting!

You have now discovered the best diets for quick weight loss, but wait - there's more! Discover the hidden fat loss secrets that the top fitness professionals want to keep for themselves by visiting Fat Burning Tips. By doing so you will be ready to create the body you have always dreamt about.

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Is Quick Weight Loss for Real?

I was flipping through some magazine catered to rich executives and saw a full page ad for some huge diamond ring that had to be 12 karats. The caption read: "Moderation is so overrated." That might be true, and in a lot of areas of our lives. Dieting is no exception. Comfortable, cushy, slow-results diets are okay for people with patience, but if you want quick weight loss, you'll have to kick it into high gear. As far as finding the right info on where to get quick weight loss info, mass-market books and publications tend to be more soccer-mom, lifestyle-fitness oriented. you need to focus on the content actually intended for people who are looking for quick weight loss.

Okay, so step one, count every calorie you eat. No joke. If you're looking for quick weight loss, you need to get serious about wasting food intake. Set a limit, and then don't exceed that limit. Talk to your doctor about your actual number. That will depend on a ton of highly individual factors. The amount of physical activity you're getting in during the day should of course be taken into account on your search for quick weight loss. If you sit in one place all day, you'll need less of course, but if you're more active, you'll want to up your caloric intake. Don't skip meals or try starvation diets or any silly methods like that. Those have only been shown to give short term results anyway, to those looking for quick weight loss. For the calories you do take in, distribute them evenly throughout the day, in smaller, but more numerous meals, making sure not to clump calories in large portions at one time. This will cause insulin levels to rise, which will bring your metabolism back down. That's no way to find quick weight loss. There are great websites for documenting your progress, such as calorie-count.

As far as having a quick weight loss goal, liquids are crucial. Water will serve the purpose, but green tea has been known to have certain metabolism increasing properties. Avoid carbonated drinks. Those just contain a lot of sodium causing your body to retain water, feeling bloated. That will just discourage you from being active, again, no approach for someone serious about quick weight loss. Three-quarters of a gallons is generally the standard for adults, so to follow your quick weight loss objective, try to stay as far within that limit as possible.

Regardless of the quick weight loss methods you try out, you just can't ignore exercise. It's integral. Some people try out every fad diet under the sun, but stay sedentary; then they wonder why they're not losing weight. If you work physical activities that you actually enjoy into your life, you'll have a fat better shot at achieving your quick weight loss goal. The number of different ways that you can work extra physical activity into your diet is really too high to count.

It's important to note, through, that quick weight loss methods are often seen as a last resort. You can just as easily malnourish your body or damage muscle tissue. That's why it's important to keep up adequate levels of nutrition. So a little activity along with some no-nonsense dieting and nutrition will go a long way in helping you find quick weight loss.

Rob Jacobs has helped thousands of casual dieters and hardcore bodybuilders turn their minds and bodies around through his cutting edge fitness lifestyle training. He's consulted in Sacramento, CA for 20 years and is a licensed nutritionist. For more information on Rob's approach, check out Quick Weight Loss

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Monday, August 1, 2011

General Guide to a Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan

Whatever your reason is to embark on a quick weight loss diet plan - whether it is to look slim and attractive for modeling or to lose excess fat before a body building competition - it is important to bear a few important guidelines in mind when figuring out your own quick weight loss diet plan. These guidelines will allow you to have a balanced and healthy diet plan to lose weight effectively, quickly and safely.

1. Ensure that your diet is balanced and complete.

Your quick weight loss diet plan must be holistic in nature. Going on a 'starvation' diet or depending on pills and tablets for accelerated fat burning will not be a healthy way to achieve weight loss. Having a balanced and complete diet is the best way to ensure that. What do we mean by a balanced and complete diet? Your daily quick weight lose diet plan should consist of all major food groupings of carbohydrate, fruits and vegetables, proteins, fat, minerals and water. This will ensure that sufficient energy fuels are available for daily activities, enough protein are available for growth and repairs, and enough fiber, fat and water are present for necessary human functions.

2. Have smaller and more frequent meals.

After you have plan your dietary inputs, your food intake should be divided into smaller meals over 5-6 takings in a single day, instead of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. Smaller meals allow for easier digestion and absorption by the body thus ensuring that all the nutrients are not wasted. Research has shown that people who eat more frequent meals are able to lose more fat and stay leaner than those who eat three times a day. When there is a long interval between meals, a hormone called ghrelin is secreted into the body. This hormone, also known as 'hunger hormone', slows down fat metabolism and increases appetite. This can cause over-eating that may promote weight gain. Frequent meals on the other hand, maintain sugar levels constant and reduce ghrelin levels which are good for fat utilization.

3. Avoid a high fat and high calorie diet.

For a normal person aiming to lose weight through slimming eating habits, it is important to reduce the intake of fat and high calorie food groups like carbohydrate. There are two reasons for this. The main objective of your quick weight loss diet plan is to lose weight through higher fat utilization. Thus, decreasing the fat and calorie intake will mean that less energy fuel is available for the body to use. The end result is that the body will increasingly tap on the fat reserves of the body for fuel. Secondly, any excess fat or calorie intake can be easily converted to fat storage in the body if activity levels are not sufficient to expend these food classes. It is therefore crucial to avoid such high fat and high calorie intake in your quick weight loss diet plan.

4. Increase fiber intake.

Increasing fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables has three advantages in a quick weight loss diet plan. One, it fills up tummy space meant initially for carbohydrates. In this way, ghrelin level will be lower, leading to better fat utilization again. Two, the minerals and nutrients that are abundantly found in fruits and vegetables actually improves digestion and other bodily functions which will help weight loss. Thirdly, fruits and vegetables contain much less calories than most fruit groups thus lowering the possibility of fat accumulation in the body system.

5. Eat slowly.

Having arranged a proper quick weight loss diet plan, it is now important to realize that eating slowly will aid weight loss. There is a psychological reason behind this. Research has shown that it takes about twenty minutes for our brain to register that our stomach is full and therefore does not require any more food. If we take our time to eat, not only will digestion be more efficient, but when the time is up, the brain will send a 'full' message to the body to slow down or stop food intake further. This will help in weight loss.

To ensure that your weight loss campaign is successful, your quick weight loss diet plan should follow the guidelines as set out above as much as possible. Ultimately, we want to loss weight to feel and perform better. There is no point in having methods that allow for quick weight loss but are not safe in nature. Your welfare at the end is most important. So, do lose weight in a proper manner.

Mike Mass

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3 Quick Weight Loss Diets - Are They Effective For Long-Term Weight Loss?

We all want to lose weight quickly; which is why quick weight loss diets are so popular. Losing a lot of weight quickly in the beginning of a diet can be helpful in keeping the dieter focused.

Often, when we don't see some results quickly, we tend to get discouraged and give up. Quick weight loss diets are good for getting a jump start and for losing a small amount of weight before a special occasion.

3 Quick Weight Loss Diets

1. Detox/cleanse diets - These quick weight-loss dieting plans can help you shed a lot of weight quickly, by focusing on getting the toxins out of your body. You'll eat very little, and what you do eat will consist mostly of organic fruits and vegetables.

You may also take supplements to help speed up the cleanse, and you'll drink lots of water. These weight-loss dieting plans often come with the uncomfortable side effect of diarrhea, but you will lose a lot of bloat and water weight. They're perfect for getting into your skinny jeans by next weekend.

2. Low carb diets - Low carb diets can be very quick weight-loss diets in their early phase. In this phase, you eat virtually no carbohydrates. Your diet is made up of protein and a few vegetables. You eat no dairy and you have no fruits, no grains and no sugar.

People often drop about 10 pounds in this first two week phase. After the first two weeks, you gradually add back carbohydrates, so weight loss slows down, but you do continue to lose.

3. VLC Diet - This quick weight-loss diet is simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy. VLC stands for very low calorie diet. Basically, you can eat anything you want on this quick weight loss diet, but you should stay at around 1000 calories each day. Drink lots of ice water to help with the hunger pangs.

Are Quick Weight Loss Diets Effective in the Long Term?

The short answer here is "no". Often when you take weight off very quickly, it comes back on very easily once you go back to your normal eating routine.

Quick weight-loss diets like these are fine for dropping five pounds before your high school reunion, but if you want real weight loss and you want to keep it off, find a diet that you can stick with for a long period of time.

This way, you're developing healthy habits that you can keep up even after you've lost the weight. After all, keeping weight off is always harder than losing it in the first place.

Dieting and Weight Loss Tips - the Top 15 Diets that Will Help You Look and Feel Great, Lose Weight Naturally and Stay in Shape.

Visit: Weight Loss Foods Here

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Programs - The Best Weight Loss Program Guide

Are you ready to change your life? And are you ready for a quick weight loss program? Do you want to look and feel better, improve your health, have more energy, increase your self-esteem and confidence, learn healthy eating habits and finally lose your weight? Most importantly, do you want to learn to keep the weight off for life? Then you have come to the right place!

There are many programs out there, it is essential that you pick the right weight loss program for your self. There are many programs out there that do not work; instead they work on stealing your money. Lucky for you I was one of the peopled tricked into one of these quick weight loss scams, and I can tell you all you need to know about choosing the right plan.

Most websites you may have visited look very fancy and professional, but the prices for the programs are through the roof. The key is to not ignore the sites that look the least fancy,these websites get you what you, for cheaper, and most importantly these programs get you losing weight fast. Trust me I have done much research in this area.

I was tricked into subscribing for a program that cost me over 400 dollars. What I learned from this is that, you can not force your body to lose weight; therefore quick weight loss pills do not work, and can harm you in many ways. After this horrible experience, I decided to do some heavy research, and came across some safe, reliable, and satisfaction guaranteed programs.

The unique thing about these programs were that they do not use unnatural means of reducing your body weight; instead they adjust your natural factors that will give you astonishing end results. Such as speeding up your metabolism. Your metabolism is the all the catabolic and anabolic reactions taking place in your digestive system. Having a faster metabolism speeds up all digestion in the human body. Bottom like is that faster metabolism equals faster and healthy weight loss.

There are many healthy techniques that a good program uses to speed up ones metabolism. some of these include eating 4-6 smalls meals, instead of 3 bug meals. Also eating food low on the G.I. index. All of these techniques are explained in detail. There are many pros to a good quick weight loss program. Added Stress is definitely not a factor that you will come across when using these programs. What I mean is that you would not have to go the gym for several hours and work out vigorously everyday, and come home and collapse. These programs focus on the main factor that affects your weight gain or loss, which is food intake.

A good quick weight loss program, will not leave you body hungry and stressed, instead it will keep you feeling energetic, and healthy looking. This is exactly what these quick weight loss programs do. Also a quality quick weight loss program does not make you cut back on the foods you love, but these programs make you a special menu for you (depending on many factors), which will include plenty of foods that you will love. I am not going to lie, you will be expected to cut back on junk food, and fatty foods, but most of these will be substituted with delicious alternatives.

The bottom line is that a good quality quick weight loss program guarantees your satisfaction, and keeps you happy (not stressed).

I have done all the research imaginable about many quick weight loss programs. The top 3 programs I have come across are:

Quick Weight Loss Program - Fat Loss idiots
Quick Weight Loss Program - Burn the Fat
Quick Weight Loss Program - Fit Over 40

Good luck on your journey to weight loss.
-Alex Hitchins

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Quick Weight Loss Programs - Proven Weight Loss Program That Helps You Lose 9 lbs in 11 Days!

Follow A Long-Term, Sustainable Weight Loss Plan

Individuals should follow only a quick weight loss plan and techniques which can be sustained and followed long-term, maintainable weight reduction plans. Crash weight reduction systems won't be sustainable for the long term. Every time an individual adopts helpful nutritional diet plans then he or she can take pleasure in lasting weight reduction.

Non-Effective Quick Weight Loss Programs

The misleading quick weight reduction systems are those such as the cabbage soup program. This program has the tendency to harm individuals health condition. These quick diet plans probably will bring about frustration as soon as an individual regains all the weight after they stop whichever crash weight reduction plan.

The Truth About Quick Weight Loss Programs

A major guideline concerning wholesome diets is consuming an effectively balanced weight-reduction plan which contains a combination of various healthful foods. Mineral, antioxidant and vitamin deficiencies develop on behalf of a lot of quick weight lost programs for instance the lemonade or cabbage soup dieting system.

As of late, many people anticipate finding an important fast weight reduction program which will assist with weight reduction quickly. This exact truth happens to be the reason crash weight loss programs proceed to exist.

When the fast weight reducing system appears too nice to be precise then the system most likely is. Losing a few pounds programs promoting tablets, potions or laxatives occur to be not effective plus damaging regarding the body. There isn't a magical product regarding shedding weight, simply logic.

Appropriate Quick Weight Loss Programs

An appropriate weight reduction plan occurs to be roughly five pounds weekly. Any more than 4 or 5 kilos every week means the body presumably is being stripped of omega-three fatty acids, phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. There is no single form of meals product that has all the nutrition the body requires for staying healthy and fit.

Quick weight loss plans often times disregard an additional key guideline with reference to power-packed nutrition and that will be meal items must be pleasurable to eat.

Several quick weight loss programs appear to be boring simply because the individual is eating on the exact same meal items again and again. There isn't any technique to stick to those sorts of quick diet programs for a lengthy time period. An efficient nutritious diet program may be followed for a very long time to maintain boost your health condition.

Have Enough Sleep

Acquiring sufficient sleep ought to be a portion of a perfect quick weight loss program. Studies have proven a connection involving body mass index together with inadequate sleep.

The few hours of sleep you get, then more foods you get ingested throughout the day. To help with fat loss, try to acquire a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of slumber every night. People possibly will discover whichever weight loss plan program happens to be tough if he or she just isn't acquiring loads of sleep.

Important Tips To Complement Your Quick Weight Loss Programs

Affordable methods regarding dropping pounds include to eat nutritious meals, exercise slightly each day in addition to use mineral, antioxidant and vitamin supplements. Some quick weight reduction plans might not help working out.

At any time when people are not accustomed to working out then she or he ought to begin slow. Primary tiny exercises can be a huge endeavor. Whenever an individual utilizing a wholesome fast fat loss diet stays impressed and decided then he or she can succeed with lowering their weight.

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If you are serious about losing weight and getting lean then check out the Quick Weight Loss Programs that Maximus followed and see how you too can lose up to 9lbs in 11 days.

Like Christmas, this happens only once a year; FREE "Fat Burning Formula" Report is now up for grabs! Visit to claim your FREE report Now! This offer ends in 72 hours.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Plan - 3 Ways

A quick weight loss plan shouldn't center around counting calories or endlessly figuring out fat grams. If one is concerned in losing weight quickly then they must take measures which target immediate weight loss, rather than long term weight loss. As counting calories would be important for a long term diet plan, for a quick weight loss plan to be successful one has to employ a few tricks.

1. Fasting. The most obvious and quick weight loss plan for many would be just not eating at all. There are also many danger flags which rise up when one thinks of fasting. But, fasting can be done in a safe manner, and there are even many health advocates who recommend a periodic fast every so often to cleanse out the system. Note that much of the weight you will lose will be that of water weight, and a fast should only be done for a short period of time, and must be done following proper guidelines of the particular type of fasting process you are following. The healthy fasting routines will always have you consuming some form of liquid and have you consuming plenty of vitamins. This can be a quick weight loss plan, but it can be very difficult and much of what you lose will be water weight.

2. Carb fast. This quick weight loss plan is a bit better than the complete fast, as you will lose more fat in addition to water weight loss. You essentially cut out all carbohydrates from your diet and only consume a combination of protein and fat. It will usually take from 2 to 5 days before your body switches over and begins using fat as it's primary energy source, thus your body will naturally be burning both the fat you are consuming, along with your own body fat. You must re-load on carbohydrates after the 5th or 6th day (for 1-2 days) and then resume the carb fast for another 5 days. The reason this can be considered a quick weight loss plan is that out of all the diets out there, most people report the most immediate results with the carb fast. A search should done under "keto diet" to learn the exact procedures to perform this quick weight loss plan both safely and effectively.

3. Take supplements! That's right, take supplements as part of your quick weight loss plan. Losing weight in the least amount of time possible, does require some outside assistance. The body just naturally cannot burn fat on it's own that quickly. There are effective supplements you can take. Many go by the name of fat blockers or binders or burners. Some are obviously less reliable than others so it's always important to find out for your quick weight loss plan what compounds work both safely and effectively. And always look for natural based products as your first choice, as they do exist and have numerous benefits, including acting as a perfect supplement to your quick weight loss plan!

If you're looking for a natural supplement as part of your quick weight loss plan, then check out: where me and my friend Jessy outline an effective option for losing weight quickly. Feel free to check out and thanks for reading!

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7 Reliable Quick Weight Loss Tips - Drop Unwanted Pounds, Keep Them Off, Enjoy a Slim Healthy Body

I am going to give you 7 quick weight loss tips that are reliable and effective. They will work for you. But there is a part you need to play in order to benefit from these quick weight loss tips. You simply have to put them to practice for them to work for you.

These are the quick weight loss tips...

Tip 1: Have a Long Term Mindset

These quick weight loss tips can help you drop unwanted weight quickly. Observations have, however, shown that many people, who don't see very fast results while carrying out their weight loss plan, tend to give up.

In order to, therefore, try to speedily lose weight a lot of them try to use supplements and pills that are not safe. They also try diets that are not healthy for them.

Certainly, we have many diets that can help you lose weight quickly. But how long can the result they give you last? If you follow the quick weight loss tips I will give you, your weight loss goals are just a short time away.

These diets actually complicate your metabolism and, at the end of the day, make you gain back all the weight you have lost, and you may even gain more weight than you earlier had.

It is therefore vital that your weight loss plan should be such that it will be healthy and sustained for a long time. So don't be too much in a hurry to shed all the unhealthful weight you accumulated after long periods of following wrong eating habits. Take your time, be focused and persistent and you will surely and quickly lose the pounds you don't need using these quick weight loss tips.

Tip 2: Decide on a Weight Loss Goal You Can Handle

It is surely not very easy to lose weight. You will face challenges as you go about trying to achieve your weight loss objectives. But I advise you to make up your mind to make necessary changes in the way you live your life. Also, be focused on the goal you have set for yourself and as I earlier said, be persistent. Don't give up in applying these quick weight loss tips.

If your weight loss goal is such that you believe you can handle, then the task of losing weight will be an exciting one for you. You will thus be willing and ready to do what you need to in order lose weight.

Tip 3: Expert Advice and Teachings are Very Important

You need to eat the right foods and correct food portions. You also need to carry out physical exercise regularly and correctly. In addition to these, you need someone to help you stay motivated and on course.

For you to achieve these things, as part of the quick weight loss tips I am giving you here, I suggest that you seek the services of a reliable and good Trainer in fitness.

Though good trainers aren't cheap, but it is a worthy decision to invest on something that would improve your health and make you look good and feel fine. It will also add other values to your life.

If you need to cut down on what it will cost you to hire a trainer many days a week, you could consider engaging him or her a couple times a month (probably once or twice).

Reliable and proven books (e-books included) on weight loss could serve as alternatives to hiring a fitness trainer.

You may purchase reliable and proven books including DVDs which can teach you how to lose weight. Extensively study reviews of these books and DVDs before you consider buying any of them.

Tip 4: Set a Timetable for Your Meals

This tip, out of all the quick weight loss tips I am giving you, is very important to carry out. Prepare a time table for eating, and use the timetable to plan your meals in advance. Setting a time table is very important because it will help you fire up your metabolism throughout the day.

One very good way to make sure your metabolism is good is by eating 4 to 6 small meals daily. Make sure you have about 2-3 hours between the meals. If you do so, you will not stay too long without eating something. Don't forget to do this because it is very essential to your losing weight quickly.

The meals you eat should be balanced and healthy. Plan them ahead of time. This will prevent you from failing to eat your meals or eating unhealthy foods that make you add undesired weight.

What meals to prepare?

Your meals should be a combination of healthy carbohydrates, healthy fat and protein. To achieve this, you need to form the habit of reading the labels on the foods you buy. This will help you choose foods that are healthy and such that will not add to your weight.

Tip 5: Plan Your Exercise Routine

This is equally as important as tip #4, of all the quick weight loss tips that I am giving you. Decide on what days you will exercise and the times you will get it done.

Also decide on the exercises you will engage in daily.

Tip 6: Balance Your Exercise Program

Balancing your exercise program should include exercises that are good for your heart and those that would help you lose inches and tone your muscles. Stretching exercises are also very crucial.

Tip 7: Exercise with a Partner

One of the most reliable quick weight loss tips is for you to exercise with a partner. You may also join a group that is made up of people who support each other to make sure they are faithful to their exercising their bodies.

Are their members of your family, friends or co-workers who want to also lose weight as you would like to? Work together and you will encourage each other and positively influence each other to quickly lose weight.

When you don't feel like exercising, your partner will encourage you to do so. If you hunger deeply to eat any food that is not healthy for you and which would be detrimental to your losing weight quickly, your partner can let you know that such action can destroy all the efforts you have put in to lose weight.

Putting into practice these 7 quick weight loss tips will go a long way to enable you to drop those unwanted pounds and keep you healthy and feeling good.

Roy C. Okonkwo is an Internet Marketer who writes articles on a variety of subjects. These include articles on Health and Fitness. Visit for detailed information on how you can quickly lose weight.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Diets - How to Make Them Work

Quick weight loss diets are popular due to the faster initial weight loss they can achieve and they are less harmful and more beneficial. You lose weight fast during the initial stages, due to the net loss of water weight since protein and carbohydrates both help hold water in body cells. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits.

Does this mean that quick weight loss diets don't work? They do, but only when you understand the role that quick weight loss diets play in your overall lifestyle. The important thing before starting any diet regimen is to ask, "Can I do this for the rest of my life?" If the answer is no, then don't try the diet; it will only harm you in the long run if you start a yo-yo cycle of weight "loss-gain-loss" again and again.

Quick weight loss diets are not intended for prolonged use. Although you may not notice a problem at first, your body will soon stop responding to the diet and the weight loss will reach a plateau. Quick weight loss diets, say professional dermatologists, often lack proper nutrition and rapid weight loss in itself can also trigger metabolism changes that affect hair growth. For the healthiest hair, physicians say that the best weight loss programs are reduced calorie diets that promote gradual weight loss and a healthy diet using foods from all the food groups.

Exercise and diet go hand in hand with a successful weight loss plan. Exercise should be enjoyable, otherwise you won't continue. If you feel you don't have time for anything, try jumping rope, or incorporate your exercise into something else you do, for example, if you work or live in a high rise building, take the stairs up and down. Exercising does you no good if you just go out and eat more when you are finished. Dieting is the first key to any truly successful weight loss, especially when you want to make sure that you not only get those pounds off, but that you keep them off, too.

Quick weight loss diets do work, but they work even better combined with regular sustained physical activity for forty-five minutes or more at least five days a week. Remember that it's important to check with your physician if you have a substantial amount of weight to lose, if you have any type of health condition, and/or you do not exercise on a regular basis or are sedentary.

Eating breakfast every day is contrary to the typical pattern for the average overweight person who is trying to diet. Then they get hungry and consume most of their calories late in the day. Eating right using pre-planned recipes that incorporate foods that strengthen rather than weaken and bloat your system is critical. Successful dieting is about being prepared with proper quantities of healthy food in all situations. Eat regular meals 5 times a day but not much.

Strive to eat balanced and healthy meals while still controlling your caloric intake. In this way you will be more likely to maintain your weight loss instead of gaining back the pounds. Instead of high-fat products, lower fat options are recommended. These diets also generally include such things as whole grain foods, plenty of water, low-fat proteins and more.

One tip to immediately cut down your calorie intake is by reducing your normal food portion in half. In most cases, the serving sizes you get in restaurants and fast food joints are more than what you need. By reducing your portion size, you still get to enjoy your normal foods and cut down your calorie intake immediately!

Quick weight loss diets abound, both online and locally in your city. While local weight loss programs are generally more expensive than online programs, the face-to-face support may be exactly what you need to help you take off the excess weight.

Permanent lifestyle changes are the only way to remain at your target weight once you reach it. Quick weight loss diets will help you lose weight, just remember to do it right, the healthy way.

Want to lose weight fast? Find out the well-known secrets of quick weight loss with our weight loss strategies and information.
Learn how to attain Quick Weight Loss Safely and Healthily.

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Quick Weight Loss Tips - Dangers of Quick Weight Loss Pills

Anyone who can offer quick weight loss tips to an obese adult struggling with his/her weight is a savior. If you want to lose weight because you are grossly overweight or just not too pleased with your slightly larger frame, you are considered normal. This article will dig out the dirt on quick weight loss pills, and why you have to exercise caution before you pop another pill to help you lose weight quickly.

The last statistical head count put the number of people undergoing or aspiring to lose weight in America as more than 50 million. That's a whopping 8-digit figure that keeps repeating itself every year. Are you ready to hear about the success rate? It is a miserable 3-4 percent, which means that out of every 25-30 persons who want to lose weight, only one will ever succeed and maintain his/her weight in the long run.

Let's face the sad fact together. The only hard work most of us will put in to achieve our weight loss goal is to think hard. But thinking and dreaming about our desired weight would never make us lighter on the weighing scales. We need to put those quick weight loss tips we learnt into action. These include revamping our diet and exercise routine and inject adequate moderate activities to burn off those extra pounds off our waists. It is no wonder that many people would turn to quick weight loss pills as an instant solution. We want to solve our weight problem but have no threshold to tolerate the pain or inconvenience caused as a result of change in our dietary habits and lifestyle.

Because of the sheer size of the weight loss industry, many are tempted to penetrate into this billion-dollar market. Unscrupulous manufacturers and businessmen are quick to seize this opportunity to profiteer from the "wonder quick weigh loss pill" phenomenon. Almost every other month, you will hear of new quick weight loss pills launched in the market.

Unfortunately, a lot of these weight loss pills are ineffective and unable to deliver on their promises of quick weight loss. What's worse is some of these products contain harmful substances detrimental to our health. Complaints have been made to the authorities such as FDA and investigations have been conducted. You may have read in the news about crackdowns on weight loss pill rackets. Cartons of fake weight loss pills worth millions of dollars in market value have been seized and manufacturers of such weight loss pills are taken to court one by one.

Fat and starch blockers, diet patches, bulk fillers, spirulina etc are among those found to be problematic. Your intestinal and digestive system may suffer as a result of consuming such pills. Be careful if you are thinking of taking one of these quick weight loss pill. Here's a useful quick weight loss tip for you. Although not all diet pills are harmful, it is always safer to read the content label and consult your doctor if in doubt before you consume them.

There are better and safer ways to lose weight fast. Look out for quick weight loss tips over at my blog and discover how you can lose 28 pounds easily and naturally over 3 weeks like many others who have succeeded.

The above content is for educational and illustrational purposes only. No special reference is made to any brand of drugs. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Find out how you can lose extra pounds, regain good health and confidence using natural and quick weight loss tips at his blog

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Faster Weight Loss with Quick Weight Loss Tips

Imagine waking up in the morning pulling on your jeans and realizing that they are way too big. That fantasy can become a reality if you can implement these quick weight loss tips into your lifestyle. Quick weight loss tips like changing the water you drink, the type of cereal you eat, and the starches in your diet. These are things that can be done on a daily basis to change the way you look permanently.

One of the easiest quick weight loss tips you can do is to start drinking ice cold water. The temperature of the water will actually burn more calories as your body will have to work to warm it up. A simple quick weight loss tip like this can help you burn up to 200 more calories a day depending on how much water you are drinking.

Many people carry water around with them but after it has spent the day in your purse it probably isn't ice cold. Stick some water bottles in the freezer throw one in your purse and you will have access to ice cold water through out the day. Try this quick weight loss tip and see if it doesn't make a difference in the way you look and feel.

Another quick weight loss tip that is a fantastic way to easily change your diet is to change the type of cereal you eat. The trick is that the body cannot digest fiber. So if you switch your cereal to a bran cereal your body have to work extra hard at digesting and will not be able to turn those calories into fat. Not only will you burn calories this way you will end up helping your bodies digestive system stay clean and functioning properly.

Many people say that they have a hard time eating a cereal that isn't sweet and therefore cannot use this quick weight loss tip. However there are some great no calorie sweeteners out today that actually taste just like sugar. Sprinkle a little on top of your cereal and you will have a sweet delicious and healthy breakfast.

Another lifestyle change that is an awesome quick weight loss tip is to cut butter from your diet. If you can cut as much as 3 tablespoons of butter form your diet on a daily basis you could lose one pound ever twelve days without doing anything else. If you are enable to enjoy dry toast try using butter like spray or an olive oil substitute.

Bottom line when using quick weight loss tips is to incorporate them into your lifestyle so that they become habit. If you do these things without thinking about doing them you will be losing and maintaining weight loss without fad diets or crazy weight loss programs. This is natural weight loss at its best. The kind of quick weight loss that doesn't involve restrictions or killer exercise. Quick weight loss tips can be a part of your normal routine; get started today.

Author Sam Filter writes on a variety of topics. To learn more about this topic Sam recommends you visit: Quick Weight Loss Tips and a Huge Weight Loss Secret []

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss-Phase I

How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss? Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, "How can I have a quick weight loss?" There is no mention of a healthy weight loss at all! The problem is that everyone wants the results, but doesn't care about what they have to do to get there. More importantly, they don't care about the long term negative affects that will follow their quick weight loss. In order to achieve your healthy weight loss and for it to also be a quick weight loss, you must make some fitness tuning changes to your body.

Now that we've identified that your mind should be on how a quick weight loss must also be a healthy weight loss, let's get you there! We are going to address several things regarding your life and how you live it. I will give you the paths that you need to take in order for you to get to a healthy weight loss. Then you will need to go down those paths, one at a time. How well and how dedicated you are to accomplishing the completion of those paths will determine whether or not you have a quick weight loss. I will give you the tools to make a healthy weight loss also be a quick weight loss, but you must use them, and use them properly, for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss to occur.

Step one, to achieve your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, will be to make some changes to your diet. You must, and must want to, start with your diet. If you are a person that has a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise done each week, then trying to tackle that step first can be disastrous. If you run into the gym, before you correct your dieting deficiencies, you will feel a great deal of fatigue during exercise, and possibly faintness, dizziness, and extended muscle soreness and fatigue afterwards. To begin your stepping into a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, you must first begin with giving your body the nutrients that it needs. Otherwise, your quest towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!

The dieting change to begin your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your daily food intake. You should have three meals a day, each containing a carbohydrate, a fruit or vegetable, and a protein. These items must also be evenly proportioned for each meal. You should get plenty of whole grains in your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain as often as possible. Ensure that you also get plenty of good cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level under control. This means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are contained in fattier fishes such as salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, as well as healthy living.

Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also plan your lunch to contain a protein source, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable. I only have fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the fact that the sugar will help you to start your day by giving you the energy that you need. Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than fruit and therefore must be of higher concentration in your diet. My dinner always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to begin the next path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey that will be found in Phase II.

Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan involves snacks! In order to ensure that you are supporting your body's needs for Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal snack. However, I have also been known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan. If you should ever feel a craving for something sweet, then have a piece of fruit. Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, and mangos, and should be eaten sparingly. These are the desserts that will help to lead to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, not to mention a healthier you.

You have now completed Phase I of your journey towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. You have started your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the foods that you take into your body are healthy and contain all of the elements needed for your body's healthy lifestyle. I will be following this article with Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, but you will be able to get more information regarding proper dieting and the benefits from doing so by clicking on my fitness tuning website's link below. You will be able to join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I share with all of my members from week to week. Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you desire.

Powerful Weight Loss and Fitness Techiques [] Are Available FOR FREE -- Right Now at []

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Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan - Lose Weight Quickly With One of the Best Diet Plans

A quick weight loss diet plan is rare to find. While there is no such a thing as losing weight overnight, there are diet plans that can actually help you lose a few pounds fast within a week or up to three weeks depending on a few factors about yourself. Most people who are looking for a quick way to reduce weight fast really do want a diet that works and is healthy in the first place. A quick weight loss diet program is not basically based on starvation in order to get rid of weight. Starving yourself to lose weight is unhealthy. Keep reading to find the best weight loss diet I recommend.

Best Online Quick Weight Loss Diet Program

Fat Loss 4 Idiots: This is one of the most popular downloaded diet program on the internet. In the past few years, fat loss 4 idiots has been dominating on line in the weight loss industry as one of the best diet plans for fast weight loss. Many people have used this program and lost weight and that is probably one of the reasons why fat loss 4 idiots is popular. So what is this program all about? Fat loss 4 idiots is based on a concept of "Calorie Shifting" rather that eating low carb, low fat or low calories. Calorie shifting is not about starving yourself either. It means to vary the ratio of foods like proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Fat loss 4 idiots is not a low calorie low carb diet but it has a portion control section that controls the calories and carbs you consume so that you just don't eat anything you want anyways.

The main reasons for shifting calories is to allow metabolism to adjust to your diet and also not to get bored eating same meals all the time. When you use the shifting calorie method such as the one found in this quick weight loss diet program, you speed up your metabolism and keep it high all the time. The end results will be burning more calories than you think. Fat loss 4 idiots also has an on line meal generator which lets you select the foods you like from the list that has a wide variety of healthy foods. This fast weight loss online program is very simple to follow and the techniques that are outlined inside the program itself are proven to work. Fat loss 4 idiots is worthy trying and my only criticism is that it doesn't emphasize exercising. This program can help you lose weight fast but it would be much better if combined with a basic fitness program. Fat loss 4 Idiots claims that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days which can be unrealistic to most people.

Strip That Fat Diet Plan: This is a new weight loss program that I will only say it solves what fat loss for idiots hasn't solved. It uses a "calorie shifting method" just like the program reviewed above and It lets you personalize your diets the way you want too. Strip That Fat Program is easy to use and simple to follow. This is a user friendly program that can solve your weight loss problems. Using this quick weight loss diet plan, you can create your very own diets using It's tool called STF diet tool. It has over 40,000 different two week diet combinations that you can create. It claims that within 2 weeks, you can lose up to 10 pounds. This claim is more realistic than fat loss 4 idiots claim where you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. The rapid weight loss techniques contained in Strip That Fat diet plan are practical and easy to implement. They will help you lose weight fast and they are applicable for long term weight loss. Listen if you have been starving yourself for the sake of losing weight, With this program, you can eat as much healthy foods from it's menu as you want while you are losing weight.

Strip that fat covers the importance of gaining muscle to increase metabolism. Unlike fat loss 4 idiots, it recommends the right exercises you can do in order to increase muscle and burn more calories faster. This program therefore does emphasize the importance of exercising to lose weight fast. It is also cheaper with much updated, useful and detailed information compared to fat loss 4 idiots. Eating healthy foods and a healthy balanced diet such as the menus provided by strip that fat can have a rapid positive effect on weight loss. The proven idea of calorie shifting should also enhance weight loss and make for an effective diet. For those who are in search for a quick weight loss diet plan, strip that fat is worthy to consider. For more information on weight loss Go Here []

Sometimes you need help to lose weight. For more information on quick weight loss diet plans and fitness programs Visit: []

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How to Lose Fat Quite easily

Losing bodyweight has generally been an ongoing trend for years now. Elegance magazines and other types of social media dictate that slim and skinny is sexy. Even though sometimes, it is most excellent to just think that magnificence is skin deep; it wouldn't damage to shed off a couple of kilos. So we activity to minimize hips, we run and jog to pull down the needle on the weighing scale and we do no matter what it will take to just get rid of people unwanted extra fat.There are a great deal of programs promising efficiency in fat loss without the need of a whole lot of work in spite of this their efficacy are currently being questioned and the adverse facet effects of some are too risky to get. What you get in also has a say on how your human body would come out. Your diet plan has management above your fat. So be cautious with whatever it is that you consume. Substantial protein food plan is a single of details that authorities say will assistance a great deal in managing your fat. Not only will protein support produce your muscle tissues; it also gives you adequate energy to final the day and lose undesired fats.Higher protein diet plan could quite possibly include things like chicken, fish, pork, lean beef and tofu. This sort of eating routine is not advised for extended time period use however as you could possibly run into the danger of having nutritional deficiencies. It is consistently greatest to consult a nutritionist or your health practitioner about this kind of weight loss program just before you commence it. Observing what you eat will probably enable a good deal but it's not the means that to an finish for a exquisite body. Preserving your calorie consumption can only do so a lot but if you don't pair it with the suitable training, you'd still very likely slide back to your previous fat. One particular should be aware with what he or she puts in his or her mouth and at the exact same time dietary supplements it with the correct one particular method to not just continue to keep your determine checked but at the identical time a way to distress by yourself. Stretching and sweating in just a single spot is created intriguing by yoga. There are a great deal of yoga ideas that are currently being put into use and a good deal of studios are offering the apply. It not only provides you tranquillity and weight loss, it also sharpens your focus and even boosts your flexibility. Yoga for bodyweight loss. You can begin stretching your way to a more healthy you by yoga. To help you determine out the most excellent yoga to apply, you might possibly want to verify out the many kinds of methods and added benefits it presents. You can browse the net for some of the readily available courses near you or select up your yellow pages to find out out about the nearest studio.Attractiveness could be pores and skin deep but there's absolutely nothing unsuitable with taking care of your self by beginning to view your fat. Losing weight is not just for aesthetic purposes. It can also preserve your overall health on examine whilst feeling wonderful about all by yourself. Your body is a sacred temple thus, it is anticipated that you preserve it clear and in nice form.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Tips to Maintain a Healthy Body

Eating whatever you want is one of the greatest pleasures in a person's life. Unfortunately gaining weight usually partners this way of eating, making your health and weight out of control at a later stage. You, like many others, might start gaining unnecessary weight around the age of 25, when you reach your full maturity. This often leads to panic and many people start thinking of quick weight loss methods. They will try dieting, exercise and all possible ways to cut down the excess fat, which they have gained throughout the years. The truth is, quick weight loss is only possible if you have very strong will power.

Many people do not have much patience and often drop the whole weight loss effort in the middle of it. Ultimately by the age of 50, many people are obese with a list of accompanying diseases.

Is there a way to loose unwanted weight within a short period of time? Is quick weight loss possible? These are common questions asked by many people nowadays. Is there a solution to the problem of middle-aged obesity? Continue reading to find out about some best ways to lose extra weight quickly.

One of the biggest reasons people find it difficult to lose weight quickly and permanently is because they rely on quick fad diets. Fad diets diets do not work in the long run and people eventually get tired of the program. Unfortunately many books are written on these kinds of high failing diets. When you adopt a quick weight reduction method, it should be one that is proven, reliable and effective.

When you find a proven, reliable and effective quick weight loss method, stick to it faithfully and you can experience significant changes within a month's time. Here are a few quick weight loss tips, which will help you in loosing your extra pounds safely.

Always pick out a quick weight reduction method, which is suitable to your lifestyle and daily routine so that you can follow it without any difficulty.

Then, decide the amount of weight you want to lose within a fixed period of time. Have a target weight, that is attainable and practical. A quick weight loss method can be effective and safe if you stick to it sincerely. Some people think they can lose weight simply by exercising and continue the intake of junk foods and high calorie stuffs.

The kind of food you eat is very important when you're trying to lose weight. Food in it's natural state is best for you health and for weight loss. Drink plenty of water to keep your cells well nourished and energetic throughout the day. The water will also help diminish your appetite and keep you well hydrated. Water is essential for clean skin and for removal of toxic materials from your body which add to the weight gain. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. This is the most important measure to adopt for a quick weight loss.

Reduce high caloric foods from your diet. Totally eliminate "empty caloric" foods such as alcohol and sodas. Take one spoon of butter less everyday and slowly reduce it to a minimum. Have most of the foods you would normally eat, but at a minimal level so that your body will not go nutrient deficient. An ideal weight loss diet will include all vital nutrients so that your body will always stay fit and healthy. The easiest quick weight loss program to follow is to eat half of everything you normally would eat and eat 5 to 6 smaller meals instead of three larger ones.

Quick weight loss is possible if you have a strong will to stick to a proven process. Get to know your body. Once you have reached your ideal weight be sure to keep it permanent. This will keep you from having any excessive weight related problems.

Tina T Willer is a Personal Trainer, Coach and Successful Entrepreneur. She holds a certificate in Personal Training, Nutritional Counseling, and has an MBA from the University of Chicago.

Tina authors articles & books on many aspects of Personal and Financial Health. Right now she is offering a FREE 353-page book "The Secret Of Health Without Drugs" and many useful articles on quick weight loss.

Click on the highlighted words to CLAIM your FREE BOOK and articles. The proven techniques in this book and in the articles can give you many quick weight loss techniques to maintain your ideal weight, which is one component of you having great health your entire life.

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Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase III

We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II". In review, you learned how to exercise regularly in order to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. What is the third and final fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet and a regular workout routine? What is the last and final path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss?

Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your intake of fluids. Ok, stop the presses! You mean that what I drink actually matters when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss? The answer is yes, big time! Everyone knows that you must hydrate yourself in order to survive. In fact, everyone knows that you can die of dehydration sooner than you can die of hunger. So, the fluids that you put into you body are extremely important when it comes to the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. In fact, fluid intake is critical upon the success or failure of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss endeavor.

Water is the first key liquid in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey's success. Water is extremely important when it comes to your body. First of all, you body is 80% water. Without a constant intake of water, your body would eventually start shutting down until you died. So, we take water pretty seriously when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Water hydrates your body, is used to flush toxins from your system, and keeps your lungs moist during cardiovascular activity. It is recommended to take in 8 - 10 8oz. glasses of water per day, and I recommend that you start doing so. Your body must have plenty of water to do its part in achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Take a large water bottle and a cup with you to work. When the water bottle is empty, then refill it. Having the water present will encourage you to drink it more often. Your body will thank you for it by flushing out the toxins from your system that can actually impede upon the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey.

Coffee and soda must be eliminated from your diet to succeed in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Soda should only be had occasionally as a reward for your hard work. For me, I have a soda when I have pizza, and that is about it. Your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is dependent upon a minimum amount of caffeine intake, and increased water intake when drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, and will actually pull the water from your body. This is extremely bad when it comes to your body operating at top efficiency while you're exercising. Believe me, you will feel the difference! I will treat myself to the occasional energy drink in replacement of my afternoon snack mentioned in Phase I. However, your journey towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be an unpleasant one with too much caffeine intake.

Green tea is the best and highest recommended caffeinated beverage that you can have for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Most of them are even decaffeinated! I would recommend that you have 3 - 4 cups of hot green tea per day. Studies have shown an increase in energy levels and metabolisms for subjects who took in certain quantities of green tea on a daily basis, which also resulted in reduction of body fat content. The study showed that for positive results, 3 cups per day were necessary for a 156 lb. subject. (More information on the health benefits of green tea will be made available to members of my website listed below.) However, in relation to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you have just found your replacement for coffee!

For those of you that want something more to drink during your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey... When it comes to fitness tuning, you want to choose wisely about what you put into your body, and not base your decision upon taste alone. Unfortunately, the majority of people base their beverage choices on taste and usually upon it being a sweet taste, which means too much sugar. However, there are a few key beverages that can give you some flavor variety, as well as give you a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss boost as well!

POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice - Packed with cancer fighting anti-oxidants, and was rated as the top source of anti-oxidants of all beverages on the market.

Vitamin A & D Organic Milk & Organic Soymilk with Calcium - Fatty acids, calcium, Vitamin A & D, as well as isoflavones and protein with the soymilk, give you more health benefits than you can shake a stick at.

Tropicana Essentials Fiber, Heart, & Antioxidant Advantage - Packed with Vitamin C, the Essentials line of Tropicana orange juice offers a wide variety of health benefits tailored for your specific needs.

Sobe No Fear (Sugar Free) - I have found this to be the best of the energy drinks on the market for me. I don't drink them every day, but they serve well on a jam-packed day of 10+ hours of work followed by time at the gym. (Remember: drink extra water when drinking caffeine!)

Gatorade Performance Series & Propel Fitness Water - Jam packed with electrolytes, I try to drink the Performance Series an hour before my workout, and follow my workout with a Propel Fitness Water.

Changing the quality of fluids taken into your body each day is the final path toward your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. You now have at your disposal the three phases to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success. Ensure that you adhere to the promise that you have made to yourself, and ensure that you follow all three paths. Your success in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is dependent upon you and you alone. Further information will be distributed to members of my free membership site listed below. You will gain access to fitness tuning nutrition, dieting, and fitness information, including information relating to all three phases of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, embark on your journey and lead the way to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success!

Discover The Extreme Weight Loss and Fitness Secrets [] That Personal Trainers In Hollywood Charge $97/Hour To Teach FOR FREE at []

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Web's Best Weight Loss Article Ever Written - Quick Weight Loss has a New Meaning

So you are one of those people that are looking for a quick weight loss miracle? You are reading this article, because you think that I am going to bestow on you a miracle weight loss treatment and you will be saved from your "obesitized" or overweight life.

Well my dear friend, there is no such this as a miracle weight loss drug, but I AM going to point you in the direction of something that will speed up your weight loss like none other.

Being overweight is fine for some people, but it's an horrible feeling when you are self-conscious. The worst thing ever is to suddenly gain a considerable amount of weight and people telling you that you have. Just the thought that others around you constantly think about how fat you became makes one feel extremely self- conscious. You start to feel very ashamed and in most cases of weight gain, depressed.

Now, I know you don't want to be overweight. I am not even going into all the negative effects that being overweight has on your life and body. You know that it's very bad and it's all you need to know. In some cases it can lead to death o.k!

So what should you do to lose weight?

I am going to tell you a secret that nobody else is probably going to tell you about weight loss. All you have to do is follow this article and apply what you learn here and I promise you you will lose weight. You have to follow what I teach you here exactly. If you do, you will reap the benefits.

The secret?

Here it is...It's all in your diet. This is the number one thing you should conquer and I promise you that you will lose weight. In a moment I will explain to you very simply what principles you should follow to lose weight quick.

Do not go out and buy a stupid book or ebook, because all of them shove you into training and some of them include very bad diet information. I would prefer it if you go out and do cardiovascular training, due to it's ability to help you lose weight very fast. I will explain what you need to do in the gym or outdoors to achieve this as well. Don't worry, everything is very easy. The best thing is, is that THIS diet is not really a diet. You will eat like a king!!

O.k, so here we go.

First up is your diet.

The most important thing to a diet is the WAY you diet. You can eat as much celery as you want,but you won't lose weight. You might lose some weight,but be sure that you will pick up double that weight. Another thing is a balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Don't worry about counting calories. Very few people do except proffesional fitness people. Don't worry, I have structured a meal plan for you that contains the right balance or proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

You need to structure you diet into 5 meals a day (if you are a women) or 6 meals (if you are a man).

This is probably freaking you out now, but please listen and I will explain. If you try to diet by eating nothing, you will gain weight the moment food enters your mouth afterwards.

Your body is like a fireplace-oven. It needs to be kept heated the whole time. Feeding the fireplace at the appropriate times will make it function perfectly. The same thing goes for your body. You need to space out meals throughout the day to keep your body in a metabolic state. Remember, your body WANTS to be fed constantly, but you have to give it just the right food. If you don't eat anything for quite a while and suddenly you eat a lot, your body will think it's not going to get food the nex time so it will produce fat from the meal you ate. It's a survival mechanism. Spacing 5-6 small meals throughout your day is the optimal way to keep your body's metabolic state constant. This way your body will start to burn fat like butter on a flaming hot pan.

When I am talking about 5 or 6 meals a day, I am talking about portions the size of both of your hands cupped together (like you're begging).2 to 3 hours apart between each meals are optimal.

I am going to provide you with the most powerful fat burning "good foods" known to mankind. Please don't try to eat just one of these. You won't lose weight. You need to combine them. I will explain it later using a predetermined meal plan. Here are the ingredients:

*Almonds and other types of nuts

*Beans and legumes


*Extra protein powder

*Fat-free or low-fat milk,yogurt & cheese

*Instant Oatmeal that is unsweetened and unflavoured

*Olive oil

*Peanut butter

*Rasberries and other berries

*Turkey and other lean meats

*Whole grain or whole wheat breads and cereals.

Please avoid the following foods at all costs:


*Fried foods especially fast food.

*Commercially manufactured baked goods

*Any food with partially hydrogenated oil on it's list of ingredients.

*Fatty cuts of red meat

*Whole-milk dairy products


*Alcohol - limit your alcohol to a maximum of 2 drinks (beer or red wine) a week.

Later we are going to explain to you how to combine the "good food" ingredients to get a incredible quick weight loss fat burning diet.

Now we get to what exercises you should be doing. This exercise takes round about 20 minutes.

This article covers only cardiovascular exercises.

Please remember that muscle burns fat. No other body mechanism burns fat better. I am not saying you should look like a bodybuilder or look muscular, but adding only a little muscle all over your body will dramatically increase your fat burning efforts. Even cardiovascular exercises adds muscle to your body, but not as much or fast as weight training.

This doesn't matter that much, because cardiovascular exercises does increase muscle mass to some extent, especially in your legs, but it doesn't make you look too muscular. Just nice and toned.

Here is a cardiovascular Interval exercise that you need to perform at least once a week, and a maximum of 3 times a week. Do not do them one right after the other. Leave a day or to between. You can do it on a stationary bicycle or treadmill or even outdoor running or cycling. Write it down and use a watch to time yourself. This exercise is fun and quick. Just do it.

4-6 Minutes warmup (To get your heart rate up)

30 Seconds High Intensity (Sharply Increase your speed and/or your resistance)

1 Minute Low Intensity (Decrease speed and/or resistance and keep it constant for the 1 minute)

45 Seconds High Intensity

1 Minute Low intensity

1 Minute High Intensity

1 Minute Low Intensity

90 Seconds High Intensity

1 1/2 Minutes Low Intensity

1 Minute High Intensity

60 Seconds Low Intensity

45 Seconds High Intensity

1 Minute Low Intensity

30 Seconds High Intensity

3-5 Minutes Cool off (Walking it off)

...go home.

You can change this outlay, but it's not recommended that you decrease the time spent, nor should you increase it too much in your beginning stages. You can add to it later, but remember to keep your higher intensities shorter than your low intensities with the higher intensities increasing during the workout and finally decrease.

O.k. Let's get to how to combine those "good foods" up there into an effective diet to lose weight very quick.

I am going to provide you with a 2 day sample diet routine. You can eat the same one every day, but a little change now and then would help you stay focused with you diet and excercise.


Breakfast: 1 large egg, 3 egg whites, 2 Slices Whole Wheat toast, 1 slice lean bacon, 1 tomato/green pepper sliced, 1 teaspoon ground flaxseed, half a glass of orange juice. Scramble whole egg and whites and add flaxeed. Fry in a pan that's sprayed with vegetable oil,if you don't have just fry it in a non stick pan. Put everything on your toast. Add your bacon and tamatoes or any other vegetable.

Snack: 1 bowl High fiber cereal or Oatmeal cereal

Lunch: Add the following foods to make a sandwich - 2 slices whole wheat bread. 2 ounces(56 grams) sliced roast beef, 2 leaves lettuce(washed obviously), teaspoon of low fat mayonnaise and 1 ounce(28 grams) of fat-free cheese.

Snack: 1 ounce(28grams) Raisins and 1 ounce Almonds. Please note!!! NO SALTED NUTS!

Dinner: 4-5 Ounces(113-142grams) Tendered Chicken Breasts; 2,25 ounces(63grams) cooked "whole wheat" spaghetti with a cup of spaghetti sauce; 1/2 teaspoon flour; 1 tablespoons water; 1 teaspoon olive oil; 1 tablespoon chilly powder; 1/8 onion finely chopped. Heat the oil in a nonstick pan. Add chopped onion and cook it for about 1 minute until it's brownish. Mix the flour and water in a small bowl (The amount of water and flour can be adjusted. The examples above was scaled down to provide one serving.) Additional water and flour may be required to make the flour-water mixture just right.) Add your chicken, the chilli powder,sauce and the flour mixture all to the pan. Stir it. Let it simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes. Serve it over your cooked spaghetti (you should cook the spaghetti seperately).

Snack: Smoothie - 1 banana, 1/2 cup 1% milk, 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/8 cup frozen orange juice concentrate,2 teaspoons whey powder, 8 crushed Ice Cubes.

There is one thing about this quick weight loss diet that is really cool. You are allowed to cheat on one of your meals only ONCE a week. Preferably at lunch OR dinner. Lets say you ate correctly the whole week, Saturday comes and you feel like you want to order a pizza and drink a beer. Go ahead, order that pizza and drink that beer (limited to 2). Now remember to start your diet the next day and continue for the week until the next cheat meal.

Do you know why you can cheat on a meal? This is precisely the opposite thing your body does in respect of the previous situation where you if you eat too less and suddenly ate a lot, your body will gain/store fat due to the surviving mechanism. If your body is at a constant metabolic rate during the weak and you suddenly eat a cheat meal, your body will want to reject the unhealthy fat. In the same process your body will burn even more fat and lose weight quicker, because it needs to stabilize it's metabolic rate which was increased because of the cheat meal.


Breakfast: 1 whole wheat pita halfed to make to halfs (You can substitute the pita for whole wheat toast if you want to.); 1 & a half teaspoons low-fat cream cheese; 2 Slices ham or turkey; Some lettuce. Stack up the lot and make yourself a sandwich.

Snack: 1 & 1/2 cup berries; 3 Slices deli roast beef

Lunch: 1 can of Tuna in salt water; 1 Onion chopped to small pieces; 3 tablespoons of Low-fat mayonnaise; half a lemon; 2 teaspoons Olive Oil; half a cup on low fat cottage cheese; 2 slices whole wheat toast. Switch on your oven at 220'c. Add the tuna, mayonnaise and the low fat cottage cheese to a bowl. Mix it together and squeeze the lemon juice into the mixture. Layer a non stick glass flat bed oven bowl/tray with the Olive Oil; Add the chopped onion to the tray and put into the oven until onion is brownish. Take out the tray and add the tuna mixture to the tray. Put it back into the oven. Bake it for about 10-15 minutes ( or YOU can decide to take it out of the oven.) Put the mixture on your whole wheat toast.

Snack: 1 ounce Raisins and 1 ounce Almonds

Dinner: 3 ounces(85 Grams) lean sirloin steak; 1/4 cup Hunan stir-fry sauce; 1 cup COOKED BROWN rice; 1/4 cup chopped broccoli; 1/2 a Jalapeno pepper sliced; 1/2 a cayenne pepper sliced; 1/2 carrot sliced; 1 teaspoon olive oil. Heat the olive oil in a non stick pan over high heat. Throw in the sliced carrot and brocolli and cook until tender. Add your peppers and steak and continue cooking until the meat is done. Add the sauce and serve everything over the cooked rice (The rice should be cooked seperately).

Snack: A smoothy - 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1 cup 1% milk, 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries, 2 teaspoons peanut butter, 2 teaspoons protein whey powder, 8 Crushed Ice Cubes.

O.K so remember the rules you learned here.

Tip 1 - Make sure you eat 5-6 meals a day spaced out 2 to 3 hours apart.

Tip 2 - Try substituting your snacks with smoothies.

Tip 3 - Use the "fat burning food" ingredients above as a basis for all your meal decisions

Tip 4 - Drink the right beverages. Try to stay away from alcohol and sodas

Tip 5*- Drink 8 glasses of water a day (VERY important factor in weight loss - PLEASE trust me with this one. Just do it!)

Tip 6 - Have a cheat meal once a weak, not a fat buffet - Remember to control yourself. Don't go overboard.

Tip 7 - Go to the gym 3 times a week and do your interval session as described above. Go at least once if you can't 3.

Now you know exactly what to do to lose weight quick. If you apply what you learned here today you will lose weight very quick.

I do think if you use a weight loss supplement in conjunction with this program, you will have some amazing results.

For more information on some pretty fantastic weight loss aid products, visit below:

Click here to visit the Heaven4Women Weight Loss Product Ratings Chart.

Best Regards,

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