Monday, August 1, 2011

3 Quick Weight Loss Diets - Are They Effective For Long-Term Weight Loss?

We all want to lose weight quickly; which is why quick weight loss diets are so popular. Losing a lot of weight quickly in the beginning of a diet can be helpful in keeping the dieter focused.

Often, when we don't see some results quickly, we tend to get discouraged and give up. Quick weight loss diets are good for getting a jump start and for losing a small amount of weight before a special occasion.

3 Quick Weight Loss Diets

1. Detox/cleanse diets - These quick weight-loss dieting plans can help you shed a lot of weight quickly, by focusing on getting the toxins out of your body. You'll eat very little, and what you do eat will consist mostly of organic fruits and vegetables.

You may also take supplements to help speed up the cleanse, and you'll drink lots of water. These weight-loss dieting plans often come with the uncomfortable side effect of diarrhea, but you will lose a lot of bloat and water weight. They're perfect for getting into your skinny jeans by next weekend.

2. Low carb diets - Low carb diets can be very quick weight-loss diets in their early phase. In this phase, you eat virtually no carbohydrates. Your diet is made up of protein and a few vegetables. You eat no dairy and you have no fruits, no grains and no sugar.

People often drop about 10 pounds in this first two week phase. After the first two weeks, you gradually add back carbohydrates, so weight loss slows down, but you do continue to lose.

3. VLC Diet - This quick weight-loss diet is simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy. VLC stands for very low calorie diet. Basically, you can eat anything you want on this quick weight loss diet, but you should stay at around 1000 calories each day. Drink lots of ice water to help with the hunger pangs.

Are Quick Weight Loss Diets Effective in the Long Term?

The short answer here is "no". Often when you take weight off very quickly, it comes back on very easily once you go back to your normal eating routine.

Quick weight-loss diets like these are fine for dropping five pounds before your high school reunion, but if you want real weight loss and you want to keep it off, find a diet that you can stick with for a long period of time.

This way, you're developing healthy habits that you can keep up even after you've lost the weight. After all, keeping weight off is always harder than losing it in the first place.

Dieting and Weight Loss Tips - the Top 15 Diets that Will Help You Look and Feel Great, Lose Weight Naturally and Stay in Shape.

Visit: Weight Loss Foods Here

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